Thursday, November 29, 2007

Going Down In Grand Style

I love wilderness rivers. There's something about slipping around that first corner, away from all ties, being completely self-reliant. It makes my heart soar. I remember Sawtooth Adventure Company's first Main Salmon trip. I remember making that first corner alone in our gear boat, the Big Banana. I was crying, laughing, shouting, babbling all at once. My whole soul screaming 'this is it!' That alone was worth all the work.
On October 28th, 16 of us drifted around the first corner of a three week Grand Canyon float trip. We were a long way from the high, green, cool Salmon River. It was my first time. We were lucky and we knew it. Friends, I'm here to tell you, floating a new river, one unknown to you, is one of the best experiences in life. Do it.
One of the best parts of guiding multi-day river trips is watching guests experience the Main Salmon for the first time. In the movies, when the pirates open the chest, the treasure is so bright it reflects on their faces. I get to see that look on faces all summer long. You make reservations, you get the gear together, you travel, and then, one day, you get in the boat and slip around that first corner...

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