Saturday, April 12, 2008

Randy Hess, An Idaho Rafting Pioneer

Rest in Peace Randy. Randy Hess, a fellow outfitter on the Upper Salmon passed away this week. He owned White Otter Outdoor Adventures for the past 30 years.

He will be dearly missed by Roni and I.

Roni is having a very hard time with this news. Randy was her favorite person in Stanley, she looked forward to seeing him every summer. She will miss their chats, joking and referring to her as his Stanley girlfriend. Randy's support and generosity to her during her difficult battle with a back injury will not be forgotten. She always felt he was one of the few people who understood her and what she was going through. She is doing much better and recovering, part of this is due to Randy's love and support.

As for me, I have lost a great friend and mentor. Randy was a pioneer in the Stanley rafting community, and his void will never be filled. Though we were competitors, I always looked at Randy as more of a partner. Thank you for taking me under your wing and teaching me the ins and outs of the rafting business in Stanley. I will miss our dinners at Redfish were we would talk about life, business, employees, politics………..Randy always supported me and my business from the beginning; I truly appreciated that, and will not forget it. Randy's help and knowledge last season with the 358 person trip was priceless. I am a better person, businessman, employer, boater, and friend for having the opportunity of knowing and spending time with Randy.

Randy spent more time rafting on the Upper Salmon than any other person in history. I will be creating a memorial along the river in Randy's honor. I plan to formally name a rapid after Randy in hopes that you will watch over the river, keep us safe and never be forgotten.

Thanks for living the life you lived, rest in peace Randy.



Anonymous said...

Randy was my boss, but also a friend. He treated every guide like a student and helped us grow as not only guides but as people. He will be missed greatly.

Music from Stanley said...

Randy gave me my first trip so many years (12?) ago. I felt so accomplished as this snot-nosed kid hanging out with all the full-time old-schoolers.

He was a good man.
Very kind words Jared.


courtney said...

Nice words everyone.
I just heard and I am very sad. His smiles, laughter,and generosity will be be missed. He always helped his neighbors and friends with that big smile. Stanley and Ketchum, Guides and Outfitters, clients and total strangers will all feel his passing.
My condolences to his family.
Courtney Smart

Anonymous said...

We were sorry to hear this news. What a tragedy.
Demorest family
Diamond D Ranch

courtney said...

I just heard his Memorial Service is on Saturday in Ketchum at the River Run Lodge 6:30.