Thursday, December 4, 2008

What is it about the Holidays?

Why is it that only during the Holidays we make such an effort to get together with family and friends. It seems like the most hectic time of year to squeeze in a party every other night. Why don't we make this same effort throughout the year?

Here is an idea; Keep the celebration rolling and book a river trip for the 2009 season. Our customers unanimously agree, there is no better place to relax and spend time with your family and friends than on Idaho's Salmon River.

I know, I know...... with the economy in the dumps who can afford a rafting vacation? It is more reasonable than you might think. Hell, make me deal. After all, it is the season for giving......

Make it a fun & Safe Holiday Season.


Jared & the SAC crew

I almost forgot.......

please...please...please pray for snow.

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