Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year from Sawtooth Adventure Co.

I feel like the holidays just ran me over like a Mack Truck. It appears the vacation is over …….time to shake the holiday hangover and get back to work.

I keep hearing change is upon us in the New Year. Whether it is a campaign slogan or our world pressing the ‘reset button’ it seems to be happening. Fine with me.....I plan to embrace it and see where it takes me. Since change is hip , I am jumping on the train and making some big changes at Sawtooth Adventure Co. for the 2009 summer. Why not?

Here is a little change I think you can handle...... we have drastically reduced the price of our wilderness river trips for the 2009 summer. A trip that cost $1300 in 2008 will now only cost $900 in 2009. Crazy? Maybe, but things are kinda crazy right now. I hope this makes our trips on the Salmon river more realistic for families, because in the end it’s all about the family.

Take a minute and check out our Family Rafting Trips in Idaho for your daily dose of ‘change’.


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