Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Salmon River, Idaho Snowpack

Last week I headed up to Stanley to attend the Stanley/Sawtooth Chamber of Commerce meeting and check out the Salmon River snow pack. Spring has been slow to return to the valley, but came with a vengeance last week. Temperatures approached 70 degrees and spiked the river to 5.5 ft. on the Yankee Fork gauge. Downstream the Salmon River of No Return swelled to 35,000 cfs at the Whitebird gauge. Current estimates have the Salmon River Snowpack at 93% of normal. Don't worry, the current forecast calls for cold weather and snow for the next week. Great news for the river community and could swing us back towards 100% . The season for rafting the Salmon River is just around the corner. Are you ready?

Shotgun Rapid (Class IV) at 4.5 feet (medium low level)

A few of Stanley's year-round residents relax and take in the sun.

Classic Sawtooth Scenery
Spring Sunset

Top of Galena Summit looking north towards Stanley

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